For the record, Quake players do make better lovers, (I even have a theory on why Quake players are better lovers than die hard old school Doom players, but you'll just have to wonder about that one) so if it's kosher, have fun!
Wolf you will not find this link interesting, so don't even bother
I asked my doctor (I really did) and a 5 inch penis is actually NORMAL size. Yep, normal size!
-Littlest Will
Just keep on telling yourself that.
If she's into the whole pleasure/pain s&m thing.. scheeze, buy her a muzzle or something.� That will keep you from shedding blood and give her that wacko charge she's looking for.
Arf arf.� Good girl.
I'm assuming you know that what you are doing is highly illegal (public indecency, sexual assault) and could get you in big trouble.� If you get caught and convicted, they'll send you to jail, and you'll be showing your winkie to a whole lot of big, hairy men who call you Susie and trade you for cigarettes.
There are all kinds of laws against that sort of thing.� You might want to visit your local clinic to make sure you've not contracted anything exotic.� Oh - and take him to the vet